Speaking And Workshops


Marissa has taught managers and executives from hundreds of companies around the globe. She’s spoken to organizations such as Chief, Forté, PepsiCo, and the World Bank.

Her programs are designed to help leaders create better organizations and individuals navigate dynamic careers.

Network science and organizational research provide insight into how to make tangible improvements at the office, such as strengthening your work culture, reducing turnover, and creating trust.  Implementation of research-backed policies can reduce loneliness, increase compensation, and boost job satisfaction.

THE POWER OF NETWORKS explores the differences between different network types. What does an innovative network look like? What does a high trust organization look like? What types of networks result in more raises or greater pay? What do the networks of top performers have in common? 

TEAM BUILDING examines research-based insights on the characteristics of high-quality teams. Why do some teams thrive while others fail? Uncover these lessons for effective leadership through engaging exercises.

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Workshops and training run by Team Good, LLC